
Season Speaks

Season Speaks by K. Brown 2012

Nature, growth, and exploration are the central themes of this artwork. I experimented with using different mediums (mainly paint pens, markers, and gel pens) on the canvas.

The bright colors mimic bright flowers in a sunny garden. Blue figure can be a butterfly or fairy or even the gardener.

My most prolific years were between 2005 and 2007. I was painting, creating digital art, and mixed media pieces. I also made jewelry.

One painting that stands out from that time is “Fire and Ether.”

I really enjoy curvy, flowing forms and I tried to incorporate that into this particular work. I wanted to create something that felt otherworldly and magically; enigmatic and slightly uncomfortable.

A painting featuring swirling lines and forms in red and yellow. The yellow forms resemble two horses facing each other while red swirls underneath them.
Fire and Ether by K. Brown 2006. Acrylic on canvas panel.