Tag Archive | digital painting

Time for reflection….

Hello All,

I hope you are well.

I have been thinking about my life choices these days.  I try to avoid the voices of doubt around me, but they have been louder than usual.  In these economy, in this society, it is so hard to make a living as an artists. To live the art, to be the art, to breathe the art.  I sometimes wonder if it is worth it.

There is so much ugliness, so much pain in the world…I just want to create things that remind people of the beauty in the world. I want to create a space where people can escape the pain (if only for a little while.  It is hard to even be seen as artists as no one really thinks of being a creative professional a profession.  Boo to that.

Tree in Field

by K. Brown 2013
Digital Painting













Until next time,


Living as an Artist

Since things have been rough for me lately, I decided to start a gofundme page. It is mainly to help with me being a fulltime artist while continuing to care for my ailing parents. I have different donation levels where donors will receive an original signed painting from me. I post examples of my work in hopes to generate to buzz and money. It will be uphill battle, but I’ve never let the stop me before. I am on the right path.

Here is  my latest digital painting, Spirit Bomb:


New works….Mid December


Life is going. I’ve been doing more digital paintings. I am learning to enjoy it more. I still miss using watercolors and acrylics.  Digital painting is convenient  and less mess (no clean up). I am finding that my paintings a very “painterly” and almost sculptural in nature. Here are few of my latest works:

abstract painting by KBrown 2012

abstract painting by KBrown 2012

abstract painting by KBrown 2012

abstract painting by KBrown 2012













I’m considering entering some art contest.  It is all part of having more confidence in my work.  I do have to say that my ideas and my aesthetics have become more refined. I’m willing to take more risks.


Until next time…thanks for stopping by.


Art History and me


I am happy to report that I have been painting a lot more. Well, I have been digital painting a lot more. I still feel strange calling that painting because I am not using actual paint (I know, I have issues) but I have doing some really nice and interesting things. I really like experimenting with light and color and shapes in ways that most  people cannot (or are not prepared to) relate with. I’m not a photo-realistic artist.  I am more of an abstract expressionist (if you had to put me in a category)…I think. Sometimes, my work looks more impressionist like. I work from a very internal, surreal, subconscious space. Almost dream-like… here is one piece I finished the other night:


Touching, 2012
Digital Painting

I’ve also been editing some photos I took while still in Japan. I feel a little odd posting them after such a longtime. I think the distant between what I was going through at the time and now is helping me cope with  not doing all I wanted to there.  I tried not to take such “touristy” photos.  There are more photos I want to go through, but here is one I am particularly proud of. I did do some “digital” enhancing via photo filters, but not too much.

Hirosaki Castle

Hirosaki Castle, 2011
Aomori Japan

I will post more paintings and photos soon.

