Tag Archive | website

100% Complete

My website is finally complete. Please have a look: DancingChimeras.com I had some problems with the loader ..mainly I didn’t know how to make one, but I soon found a great resource that helped me out with that.  The only thing is that I have not had a chance to see how the site looks on a Mac. So if you have a Mac and visit my site..tell me how it looks or send a screen shot.

My web icon hasn’t changed though…and that puzzles me. I will give it few days to see if it changes (I figure the old icon must be stored someplace and it needs time to update).

Now I can move on to my next project. …

85% complete

I solved my one problem with Flash so I have 85% of the new site finished.
It was something really simple but I needed to look at one of my old projects and compare the code to figure out what the hell I was doing wrong.My next big hurdle is dealing with movie files.
To embed or not to embed. The issue is I would rather not “make” a controller for the movie. But looking at one of my guides it would seem that I would have to make a controller regardless. I don’t know yet because I closed the program to give my computer break.
In the end, I am very happy I was able to make some progress on this. It is looking nice. I need to clean up my rollovers for the icons.

I thought I could leave this project alone tonight, but I need to test something before I call it a night.

Making Progress

I have finally come up with the layout for my website. Actually,  I had come up with the layout a few days ago. I didn’t want to use Flash to redo my site, but I realized last night that I need to use that program. For the website to do what I want it to do using Html/Xhtml would require a level of skill and knowledge I simply do not have. I gave myself a headache trying to figure it all out.

I will have the site done by Saturday though. I have done “websites” in Flash before but they never went live (but they did work). So I just have to wrap my head around what it is I want to do and just do it.

I can think of better ways to spend a birthday, but it isn’t like there is anyone around to celebrate with so I might as well work.

I’ll do an illustration later on this morning and post it.